Solitude Internet

When humans, as carbon-based beings, reached out with tool-making hands, technology began to invade us, and the boundaries of human individuality expanded with technological development. In today's society, the internet and information have become extensions of humanity. As M. McLuhan said, the relationship between humans and objects has been expanded, but human consciousness remains confined within the physical body, thus highlighting loneliness.
In this era of information explosion, have humans found a balance to coexist with technology? Has the truth and salvation of life been realized through technological development? Or are we still blindly following incorrect information while being misunderstood?
In a time filled with information noise, how can we live truly and clearly? This struggling state of existence is what we aim to express through our artworks.

Wei-San CHIANG and Yi-Yen CHEN utilize visual media for storytelling, employing art as a universal language that bridges humans, technology, and space. Their work examines interpersonal distances in contemporary environments, explores the emotional connections between the virtual and real, and incorporates their own presence into their creations.